1.5 —Optimize Your Workflow: Markdown, Projects, and Git - Class Notes


Tuesday, September 1, 2020


Today I will give you about half the class period to finish your 1.4 practice problems and I can answer questions. Then I will briefly show you how you the magic of how you can improve your workflow, efficiency, automation, reproduciblity, and safe file backups with R Markdown, R Projects, git and github. All of these tools are slightly advanced, and optional for you to use, but the learning curve pays off very high returns for the rest of your life! A good handful of people every semester tell me that they keep using these tools years in the future.


Please see today’s readings for more information, resources, cheetsheets, and tips.


Live Class Session on Zoom

The live class Zoom meeting link can be found on Blackboard (see LIVE ZOOM MEETINGS on the left navigation menu), starting at 11:30 AM.

If you are unable to join today’s live session, or if you want to review, you can find the recording stored on Blackboard via Panopto (see Class Recordings on the left navigation menu).

Practice Problems

The answer keys (in various formats) to last class’s practice problems are posted on that page. Today’s “practice problems” get you to practice the tools we are working with today. They are again not required, but will help you if you are interested.

Problem Set

Problem Set 1 is posted and is due by 11:59 PM Sunday September 6 by upload on Blackboard. Please see that page for more information on how to submit (there are multiple ways!).